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Farnham Common sign

Farnham Royal
Neighbourhood Plan 2023 -2040

Creating a better future for the Farnham’s

Farnham Royal sign
Creating a better future for the Farnham’s

Farnham Royal
Neighbourhood Plan
2023 -2040

Creating a better future for the Farnham’s

Welcome to the Farnham Royal Neighbourhood Plan page.

Here you can find useful information about the Neighbourhood Planning Process and specifically information on the work being done for the residents of Farnham Common and Farnham Royal to develop a plan for the future of the two villages.

The Neighbourhood Plan Steering Group has been working since late 2019 in consultation with residents to gather insights and data to build a plan which will help guide in the future development of the Farnham’s up to 2040.

We have identified four key objectives to help us in developing our local plan:

  1. Design coding to manage the quality of infill and other schemes and prioritising the mix of any future housing schemes to deliver smaller homes
  2. Defining a green infrastructure network important for wildlife and our local communities to protect them from loss, improve their condition and number/size
  3. Securing investment in traffic management schemes to make active travel to the Farnham Common Village Centre and other services and facilities more pleasant
  4. Protecting community and commercial services and facilities including retaining and enhancing the vitality and viability of Farnham Common Village Centre

Update June 2024  
Submission Plan Submitted

Thank you to all those who reviewed the Pre Submission Plan and provided their comments during the Regulation 14 Formal Consultation.

The Steering Group has finished preparing the Submission Plan and associated documents. These were approved by the Parish Council on 24 June 2024 and have now been submitted to Buckinghamshire Council who will continue the Neighbourhood Plan process.

Further updates will be posted here in due course.

Contents and Useful Links

What is a Neighbourhood Plan?

A Neighbourhood Plan is a land use document.
Once a neighbourhood plan is made (adopted) it becomes part of the development plan for the area. This means that its policies will carry full weight when planning applications are decided. Its policies must therefore relate to the development and use of land and buildings – things that need planning permission.

Neighbourhood Plan Timeline

  • 19 July 2016

    Neighbourhood Area Application

    Farnham Royal Neighbourhood Area Application 2016

  • 28 Sept 2016

    Neighbourhood Area Designation

    Current Boundary Map PDF image:
    Farnham Royal Neighbourhood Area Application 2016

    Download the Decision Report:
    Neighbourhood Area Decision Report Final 2016

  • To February 2023

    Evidence gathering

  • February - April 2023

    Informal consultation questionnaire

    Policy page and an informal consultation with residents via a short questionnaire, submissions may be made through to the 28th April.

  • May to June 2023

    Plan preparation

  • July - December 2023

    Review and final plan creation

  • January to February 2024

    Formal consultation on a draft Neighbourhood Plan

    This consultation will be guided by the requirements of Regulation 14 of the relevant Regulations and is also known as the Pre-Submission consultation.

  • June 2024

    Review final Neighbourhood Plan and final evidence base

    Review final Consultation Statement
    Review final Basic Conditions Statement
    Submit to Buckinghamshire Council

  • Mid 2024

    Formal consultation on a revised draft Neighbourhood Plan

    This consultation will be run by Buckinghamshire Council and will be guided by the requirements of Regulation 16 of the relevant Regulations and is also known as the Submission consultation.

  • Late 2024

    Examination & Referendum

Neighbourhood Plan Contact

In the event of a resident wishing to make contact about the Neighbourhood Plan, please write or email in the first instance to:

The Clerk, Judith Hall
Address: Farnham Common Village Hall, Victoria Road, Farnham Common SL2 3NL

Email the Council about the Neighbourhood Plan