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The Parish Council

Farnham Royal Parish Council is made up of 11 councillors, all independent, elected every four years. If a vacancy occurs during a term then (if a poll is not called within a statutory period) the remaining councillors can co-opt new members to fill a vacancy. The post is unpaid and councillors give their time on a voluntary basis. There are 11 Council meetings each year, which are open to the public, with time allowed for public comment. A variety of parish issues are discussed but there is much that is done outside the meetings in working groups.

The responsibilities of the Parish Council include:

  • Planning issues (although it can only comment and raise objections -it has no power to take decisions on planning matters);
  • Maintaining open spaces within the villages;
  • Street lighting (over 200 lamp standards come under the parish council’s remit);
  • Public toilets, litter, bus shelters and benches.

Many of the initiatives to improve life in the villages are also due to the Council – for example, the flowers and Christmas lighting as well as Carols at The Dell.

The Council also works closely with Buckinghamshire Council with regard to environmental issues, traffic management, road safety and highway maintenance; and the Police with regard to neighbourhood policing.

Remember you can call the parish clerk or any of the parish councillors to discuss problems or comment on village issues or contact us via this website.

Our Current Councillors

Lead Councillor for Woodlands & Open Spaces

Joined the Parish Council in 2008. Resident for 25 years. Retired head teacher and member of Farnham Common Tennis Club.


Joined the parish council in 2009. Moved to Farnham Common in 2001. Research and development analyst.


Based in the Parish Council’s office in Farnham Common Village Hall, Victoria Road, Farnham Common. Office hours 10.00 am – 2.00 pm Monday to Friday
Committees and Working Groups

Roles for Councillors only

Finance Committee
Katherine Damsell (Chair), Tony Birkett, Jenny Quilter, Bob Milne and Paul Rowley

Representatives on Outside Bodies
Farnham Royal Charities – Katherine Damsell, David Moore, Paul Rowley and Vacant

Beeches Community Board (Wellbeing)– Paul Rowley

Beeches community Board (Highways & Infrastructure) – Tony Birkett

Beeches Community Board (Environment) – Jenny Quilter

Farnham Common Sports Club – Katherine Damsell and Paul Rowley

Burnham Beeches and Stoke Common Consultation Group –  Bob Milne

South Bucks Association of Local Councils – Paul Rowley and Jenny Quilter

Neighbourhood Plan Steering Group – Paul Rowley

Data Protection Officer – David Moore

Roles taken by Councillors on Council working groups

Planning Working Group
Tony Birkett (Chair), Jenny Quilter and Paul Rowley

Parish Councillors' Registers of Interests

     Tony Birkett

     Katherine Damsell

     Bob Milne

     David Moore

     Jenny Quilter

     Clive Robinson

     Paul Rowley

Parish Councils Powers & Duties

Calendar of Events

M Mon

T Tue

W Wed

T Thu

F Fri

S Sat

S Sun

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Parish Boundaries

Farnham Common and Farnham Royal
The parish of Farnham Royal includes Farnham Common – and locally they are known as The Farnhams.

The History of Farnham Royal Parish Council

Parish Councils are relatively recent. Until 1894 the affairs of the parish were administered by vestry meetings held monthly in the church after Sunday morning service.

Originally they were responsible for the appointment of the village constable, the repair of the roads, the welfare of the poor, and the church. After several legislative changes the Local Government Act of 1894 introduced parish councils which have remained largely the same since that time. The aim was to give everyone who paid domestic rates a voice in the election of parish councillors and benefit from the decisions taken.

Kingsway Green historicWhilst the Parish Council looked after the civil side of the parish affairs the ecclesiastical matters were handled by the parochial church council.

The first meeting of Farnham Royal Parish Council took place in the school in Church Road with an attendance of over 100 residents. Looking back over the minutes over the last century the issues raised are not too different from today including water, mains drainage, postal deliveries, motor traffic, road safety, mineral extraction and open spaces.

A Record of Service to the Parish Council
Chairmen of the Parish

1894 – 1916              F C Carr Gomm   (Served on Council for over 20 years)
1916 – 1943              A F Drew               (Served on Council for over 25 years)
1943 – 1947              T Harvey Hull
1947 – 1950              T A Scott
1950 – 1955              R Lund                  (Served on Council for nearly 50 years)
1955 – 1969              J Hartley               (Served on Council for over 20 years)
1969 – 1970              C M R Peecock
1970 – 1975              P N Janes             (Served on Council for over 30 years)
1975 – 1979              W F Foulds          (Served on Council for over 20 years)
1979 – 1982              M G M Fordyce
1982 – 1987              P Ripley
1987 – 1999              D Stewart            (Served on Council for over 20 years)
1999 – 2003              W F Foulds
2003 – 2007              P J Cathcart         (Served on Council for over 20 years)
2007 – 2008              W F Foulds
2008 – 2012              P J Cathcart
2012 – 2015              W A Youel
2015 –  2018             T S Clapp

2018 –                        P E Rowley