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All spending and other financial decisions must comply with the Council’s Finance Regulations, a copy of which is available via this link.

The Council has adopted an expenses policy.

The Finance Committee is chaired by Cllr. Katherine Damsell and meets twice a year. The Clerk prepares monthly financial reports for the Council and all expenditure is approved at Parish Council Meetings. A forecast is prepared each year and forms the basis upon which the Precept is determined and agreed by the Council. The Precept for 2024/25 will be £224,800.

The Parish Council prepares Accounts and an Annual Return made up to 31st March in each year. The accounts, books, procedures and Annual Return are internally and externally audited and notices are displayed to advise residents that these are available for the public to access.

The 2023/24 internal audit has been completed and the relevant documents have been submitted to the external auditor.

Annual Governance & Accounting Statements 2023-24

Notice of Public Rights and Publication of Unaudited Annual Governance & Accountability Return 2023-24


Previous Finance Statements