Council Meeting Monday 23rd April, 7.30pm Farnham Royal Village Hall
At our meeting on 23rd April the Council agreed a revised policy for dealing with illegal signage and will shortly be in touch with other stakeholders in the parish to ensure this policy is made clear to all. The first steps have been taken towards agreeing to consult with residents of Beeches Road about what support there might be for a one way system for traffic. Residents in the immediate vicinity will be canvassed for their views in the next month or so. We are also hoping to consult on whether residents want to reinstate the free first half hours parking in the Broadway car park. Figures provided by SBDC who run the car park suggest this will only be possible by increasing the tax payable by local tax payers for parish matters by a third.
Finally the Council is organising a Neighbourhood Plan inaugural meeting on 22nd May at Farnham Common Village Hall at 7.30pm. All welcome. More details will follow shortly.