Farnham Royal Parish Council Website
This website is designed to help you find information about the Parish Council, up to date news on parish issues, local history and where you can turn to for help.
Next Meeting:
This year’s Annual Parish Meeting is going to be the best yet!
We are delighted that representatives from many of our wonderful community organisations will be joining us at this year’s meeting. They are looking forward to showcasing their exciting activities and rewarding opportunities.
There will also be short presentations from your Neighbourhood Policing Team and Parish Council and an opportunity for you to ask questions and raise matters that concern you.
Come along, get involved and help to strengthen our community!

Do you know someone in our parish who needs a little extra help?
Farnham Royal Relief in Sickness Charities is a small local charity established over 50 years ago that seeks to help […]
Elections 2025: Become a Parish Councillor
If you enjoy working with others towards a shared goal, become a parish councillor and help to improve Farnham Common […]
Farnham Common and Farnham Royal
The parish of Farnham Royal includes Farnham Common – and locally they are known as The Farnhams.