Farnham Royal Neighbourhood Area Application Made
This is some holding text so you can get an idea.
On the 19 July 2016, Farnham Royal Parish Council submitted an application to South Bucks District Council seeking to declare the entire Parish of Farnham Royal as a Neighbourhood Area.
South Bucks District Council consulted on the application for a period of 4 weeks from 4 August to 2 September 2016.
On 28 September 2016 the Head of Service for Sustainable Development approved Farnham Royal Parish Council’s application to declare the Parish as a Neighbourhood Area. This decision was taken following consideration of the comments received as part of the consultation, and consultation with local ward members and the portfolio holder responsible for Sustainable Development. The decision report, which contains a map of the designated area and a summary of the comments received during the consultation, is available from the ‘downloads’ at the bottom of this page.
Farnham Parish Council will now be able to produce a Neighbourhood Plan for the Neighbourhood Area, which (if made) will be used to determine planning applications in the Parish area.