Substantial contract placed for hedging and siding out footways along the A355
In March we contracted to cut back hedges and side out footways along the A355. The idea was to try and rectify the years of neglect of these by the County Council in the past and to try and restore the full width of the footways.
This work was undertaken as part of the devolved services contract entered into last year with the County Council and has been made possible by the increase to the Parish Council’s precept for 2017/18
We hope the end result will be of huge benefit to our parish.
Although starting this year with the A355 it is intended over the coming years to undertake such work in stages around the whole of the parish where footways are restricted by overgrowth or debris build up.
Thanks are due to Cllrs Bob Milne and Roger Home for their hard work in surveying the problem, preparing a specification and carrying out the tender process.